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张 德





2016.09-2021.06 国家正规网投平台,茶学专业博士

2012.09-2016.06 国家正规网投平台,茶学专业学士



2021.06—至今 国家正规网投平台,博士后


1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,基于茶叶中唑虫酰胺残留SERS检测的适配体传感器的构建及其偶联机制研究,32202540,2023/01-2025/12,30万元,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,基于SERS检测的有机氯农药适配体传感器的构建及茶叶基质的影响机制研究,2022M711277,2022/07-2024/06,8万元,主持

3. 国家重点研发计划子课题,茶中农残等主要风险物质快检技术集成与示范,2021YFD1000401,2021/06-2023/12,10万元,主持

4. 江西省茶叶质量与安全控制重点实验室开放型基金,宁红茶中有机磷农药拉曼痕量检测方法研究及数据库的建立,SKLT20200002,2020/09-2022/09,4万元,主持


1. Chen WW, Li C, Yu Z, Song Y, Zhang XB, Ni DJ,Zhang D*,Liang P*(2022).Optimum synthesis of cactus-inspired SERS substrate with high roughness for paraquat detection.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,268, 120703.

2. Qiu AD, Wu SH, Chen YQ, Yu Z,Zhang D*, Ni DJ* (2022). Dynamic changes of color, volatile, and non-volatile components during mechanized processing of green tea.Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 00, e16797.

3. Hu JQ#,Zhang D#,Zhao HT, Sun B, Liang P*, Ye JM, Yu Z, Jin SZ (2021). Intelligent spectral algorithm for pigments visualization, classifification and identifification based on Raman spectra.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,250, 119390.

4. Shao QC#,Zhang D#,Wang CE, Tang ZX, Zou MQ, Yang XB, Gong HP, Yu Z, Jin SZ, Liang P* (2021). Ag@MIL-101(Cr) Film Substrate with High SERS Enhancement Effffect and Uniformity.The Journal Physical Chemistry C,125, 7297-7304.

5. Shang ZY#, Li L#,Zhang D#,Wang CE, Tang ZX, Zou MQ, Zou HP, Yu Z, Jin SZ, Liang P* (2021). Competitive adsorption of residual polyvinylpyrrolidone and detection molecular on flower liked silver nanoparticles.Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,255, 119717.

6. Zhang D,Liang P*, Chen WW, Tang ZX, Li C, Xiao KY, Jin SZ, Ni DJ, Yu Z* (2021). Rapid field trace detection of pesticide residue in food based on surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy. Microchimica Acta, 188, 370.

7. Zhang D#,Tang LS#, Chen J#, Tang ZX, Liang P*, Huang YY, Cao MH, Zou MQ, Ni DJ, Chen JL, Yu Z*, Jin SZ (2021). Controllable Self-Assembly of SERS Hotspots in Liquid Environment. Langmuir, 37, 939-948.

8. Zhang D, Liang P*, Yu Z*, Xia J, Ni DJ, Wang D, Zhou YF, Cao Y, Chen J, Chen JL, Jin SZ (2019). Self-assembled “bridge” substance for organochlorine pesticides detection in solution based on Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 121023.

9. Zhang D,Liang P*, Ye JM, Xia J, Zhou YF, Huang J, Ni DJ, Tang LS, Jin SZ, Yu Z* (2019).Detection of pesticides residue in tea products at trace level based on SERS and verified via GC-MSAnalytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 411, 7187-7196.

10. 张德,陈金磊,倪德江,陈玉琼,梁培*,余志*(2019).表面增强拉曼光谱技术在茶叶农药残留检测中的研究进展.食品安全质量检测学报,10(13), 4187-4193.

11. Zhang D, Liang P*, Yu Z*, Huang J, Ni DJ, Shu HB, Dong QM (2018). The effect of solvent environment toward optimization of SERS sensors for pesticides detection from chemical enhancement aspects.Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 256, 721-728.